Sunday, March 18, 2007

three weeks old!

Well, another week old! Yeah me! This week my parents came up with several nicknames for me. Baybay is the all around favorite. I'm also called barracuda for my sucking capabilities and little bear since I take turns eating all day like I have this need to store my food for the long winter and the next day I sleep alot or hybernate just like a little bear.

Dadda sometimes refers to me as "mini me" since I look more like him these days. This makes momma mad because she wants me to look like her. Oh, well! I can't please them all! No matter who I look like, I'm still adorable. Sometimes, when I'm concentrating my forhead crinkles a little. My momma's favorite is when I am looking around or something attracts my attention and I make a perfect little "o" with my mouth. My silly parents even think I'm cute when I cry...I don't think that part is funny or cute at all!

My grandma and grammy think my eyes are going to stay bright blue like daddy's eyes but mommy is still holding out for a change ina couple of months to green just like her. I guess we will just have to wait and see!

1 comment:

Flirty Archivist said...

Well, pettest of pets. . . it sounds like you're doing brilliantly! I can't wait to see how much you've changed in person!

Barracuda. I like it. I'm going to call a little on 'Fang' and another one 'Snarl.' Maybe. Or one can be both. Hmmm.

Bought you your first piece of vintage last week. You're going to the most well-heeled gal in the 'hood.